1. TRUST GOD – Do I trust God with my finances?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in
my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I
will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (Malachi
3:10)2. SET A GOAL – How much money do I need?a. Application Fee: ___________________________
b. Ground Fees including Visa: _________________
c. Shots:___________________________________
d. Airfare:__________________________________f. Spending Money: _________________________
TOTAL FUNDS NEEDED:________________________
3. BRAINSTORM – What has worked for me in the past?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What did not work for me in the past?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. USE WHAT GOD GAVE YOU – What are my gifts and hobbies?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. TELL YOUR TESTIMONY – Who do I know?a. Friends: _________________________________________b. Co-Workers: _____________________________________c. Family: __________________________________________
d. People I come in contact with weekly. Bankers, mailman,grocery workers, facebook friends, etc.:
FUNDRAISING IDEAS – Keep the FUN in fundraiser!
a. Elite Carnival Event – Did I volunteer in July?
b. Donations for T-Shirts – Don’t sell the shirts, ask for
donations of $15 or more and give away the shirts.
c. Personal Letter Campaign – Write to people you admire
that may not live close enough to see you often.
d. Speaking Engagements – If it is one person or 100
people, brag on God! He loves it.
e. Dinners/Lunches/Breakfasts – Offer to prepare special occasion meals.
f. Corporate Donations – It is tax deducible. Sing the companies’ praises on social
media. Most Wal-Marts will donate up to $500 per charity per year. Look online.
Many big companies have charity application. They need the tax write-offs.
g. Grow Your Money – Give $20 to someone and ask them to multiply it.
h. Bake Sale – Sell “mission muffins” in the morning at work or “service snacks”.
i. Work Overtime – When God opens the door to earn extra income that is your mission
j. Garage Sale/Craigslist Sale – God likes a clean heart and a clean house. (Not
completely Biblical. Ha Ha) We could all make a few hundred dollars just off stuff we do
not use at our house. Clean house!
k. Monthly/Weekly Support – Those who love you want to share in your blessings. They
want to help. Give them the opportunity.
l. Cut Out the Waste – How much money do you spend on eating out, coffee stops, cable
TV, or things you do not need? The people you are serving
live without these luxuries, so practice living like them.
m. PO-GO Money – Pay out. Go out. Challenge your spouse and family. If you go on a
date, mission match the money spent.
n. Music for Missions – If you have talented kids or adults, put together a talent night. $5
or more donations for the entry fee. You can bump it up to a $10 or more donation and
include a hotdog, chips and drink. Most grocery stores or meat processing plants will
donate food.
o. Be creative! Get others involved. Be a blessing!!