You have heard the stories of missionaries from Africa. You desire an adventure for God, that will take you to the edge and teach you new things about yourself and your walk with him. Your faith is strong, yet you yearn for more. A mission to Uganda may be for you.
Our trips are usually 2 week. We fly into Entebbe and will get a hotel the first night. Then move to Jinja where we will settle for a night to start the mission. People are beginning to gather from all over Uganda to come meet you and the team. They are honored to have you as their guest. We start out to the islands in Lake Victoria on a handcrafted boat something similar to what I imagine Jesus and the disciple would have fished and taught the crowds from. Your senses are flooded with new sights and sounds. When we arrive on the islands we are greeted my many people. We pitch our tents visit with friends old and new.
Ministry looks different every year, it depends on the gifts and talent of the team. Be willing to share them on this mission. We have a place for everyone. We will minister the Gospel to Men, Women, and Children. We share many testimonies of what God has done in our lives and we also listen and learn of what God is doing in the lives of those we visit.
Ways we have ministered over the past 10 years include: Open air evangelistic crusades, medical missions, VBS, construction projects, one on conversations, testimony services, and business education.
We look forward to joining the team
The dates and cost are not set for this trip yet. Late Summer time frame
Please call for more details. (865) 224-6787