What is missions? Is it going somewhere far off to preach the gospel? Is it a building project? Is it playing with children at an orphanage? Those acts are what we typically think of when we hear “missions”. I believe the core of missions is to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31). Before you can be a missionary to far off lands you should ask yourself, “Am I a missionary to my neighbor and to the people I come in contact with daily?”
We just returned from a mission trip to Alaska where we served the Belmore family as they move into God’s next steps in foreign missions. They have proven themselves as true missionaries to their neighbors, on the college campus and to their community as they go about their daily lives. During the week we spent working on their house, we had the opportunity to see how they have been living life. We saw how their neighbors have fallen in love with them and the students from the college respect their input into their lives. The people at local businesses were more than random people, they were people with names and stories. The Belmore family have taken the time to listen and learn about each person and to interact with them. We were honored to get to see faith lived out in such an authentic way.
You are a missionary wherever you are when you show the love of Jesus right where you are.